Saturday, July 14, 2012


Oh, hello there! :)
the swan river, perth skyline in the left corner. taken in king's park.

As you may have gathered, my name is Brenna. I am currently a junior at Clark University where I am majoring in Political Science with an Urban Development and Social Change (UDSC) concentration. This upcoming semester I will be studying abroad at Murdoch University, right outside of Perth, Australia!

While I could list off the many things I am excited for -- such as a kangaroo burger, eighty-five cent bus tickets, and a pool in my res hall -- I figure there will be enough of me being enthused about new things soon enough. So, instead, I would like to explain to you (friend, unknown Clarkie, or poor internet surfer) why I have chosen to study abroad. Knowing me, there are over a million reasons all riddled with figuring out expenses, location, what I want to accomplish as an academic and as a human being, and basically just figuring out my LIFE.

First, I think it needs to be understood, I had not expected to study abroad until perhaps a month and a half before Clark's deadline for applications. Which in retrospect appears foolish. But it just wasn't feasible. I mean, just think about how much money that is. And then to leave your friends behind, travel somewhere completely new, fall in love (hopefully) with the country and the people you meet and the silly way everyone speaks, only to leave again. Why not just wait until after graduation, after a stable job with a stable income has come along. Then go out, travel, live and make your days a bit less stable. It just seems more sensible.

But I am here. Now. So I've obviously chosen differently. This decision came through some serious internal debate, discussion with study abroad directors, with Clarkies having gone abroad, with advisers and mentors, and with my parents and close friends.

Maybe, internet readers, I will tell you more one day. But the long and the short of it is that I decided to trust myself and take a risk. For me, I needed to study abroad because I desperately want to learn more about myself, about my world, about things I cannot even imagine.

I hope you join me for this journey.

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